
Lien and Levies

Lien and levies are powerful tools used by tax authorities to collect unpaid taxes from individuals or businesses.
Lien and Levies
Charting a New Financial Course

Finding Relief from Lien and Levies

At White Crown Accountant, we understand the stress and uncertainty that liens and levies can bring. That’s why we offer expert assistance to individuals and businesses seeking relief from these burdensome actions. 

Our team works diligently to negotiate with tax authorities on behalf of our clients, exploring options for lien release or levy removal. We advocate for our clients’ rights and interests, striving to achieve the best possible outcome and provide them with the relief they need to regain financial stability.

What Does the Lien and Levies Process Involve?

The lien and levies process typically begins when a taxpayer fails to pay their tax debt. The IRS or state tax authority may then file a lien against the taxpayer’s property or issue a levy to seize assets or income. 

The process can involve notification to the taxpayer, opportunities to appeal, and negotiations with tax authorities to resolve the debt. It’s essential for taxpayers to respond promptly and seek professional assistance to navigate the complexities of lien and levy actions effectively.

Lien and Levies

How can White Crown Accountant assist me with Lien and Levies?

White Crown Accountant offers comprehensive assistance to individuals and businesses facing liens and levies. Our experienced team provides personalized guidance and representation throughout the process, from evaluating the situation and negotiating with tax authorities to exploring options for resolution. 

We work tirelessly to protect our clients’ rights and interests, advocating for fair treatment and favorable outcomes. With White Crown Accountant by their side, clients can navigate the challenges of liens and levies with confidence, knowing they have a dedicated partner fighting for their financial well-being.