
Offer in Compromise

An Offer in Compromise (OIC) is a program offered by the IRS that allows taxpayers to settle their tax debt for less than the full amount owed.
Offer in Compromise
Your Path to Tax Resolution

Offer in Compromise Guidance from White Crown Accountant

At White Crown Accountant, we offer expert guidance to individuals and businesses seeking relief through the Offer in Compromise program. Our experienced team provides personalized assistance tailored to each client’s unique financial situation. We begin by evaluating the client’s eligibility for an OIC and conducting a comprehensive analysis of their financial circumstances. 

From there, we develop a strategic approach to the OIC process, guiding clients through each step, from preparing and submitting the offer to negotiating with the IRS on their behalf. With our support, clients can navigate the complexities of the OIC program with confidence, knowing they have a dedicated partner advocating for their best interests.

What Does the Offer in Compromise Process Involve?

The Offer in Compromise process involves several key steps aimed at achieving a mutually acceptable resolution between the taxpayer and the IRS. It typically begins with the submission of a formal offer, along with supporting documentation, to the IRS. The offer must include detailed information about the taxpayer’s financial situation, including income, expenses, assets, and liabilities. 

The IRS will then review the offer and may request additional information or documentation to support the taxpayer’s claim of inability to pay. If the offer is accepted, the taxpayer will be required to adhere to certain terms and conditions, such as making timely payments on the agreed-upon amount. Throughout the process, the IRS will communicate with the taxpayer and may conduct further reviews or negotiations to reach a final resolution.

Offer in Compromise
Offer in Compromise Services

How can White Crown Accountant Assist with Offer in Compromise?

White Crown Accountant offers comprehensive assistance to individuals and businesses navigating the Offer in Compromise process. Our team of professionals provides personalized guidance and representation throughout the OIC process, from evaluating eligibility and preparing the offer to negotiating with the IRS on behalf of our clients. 

We work tirelessly to protect our clients’ interests and ensure the best possible outcome, whether it’s obtaining a favorable settlement or securing a manageable repayment plan. With White Crown Accountant by their side, clients can navigate the complexities of the OIC program with confidence, knowing they have a dedicated partner advocating for their financial well-being.